The Foo Fighters are probably collecting having more fun than any other band in the history of rock. Their horror/comedy film, Studio 666 opened in theatres today for what’s originally scheduled as an abbreviated seven-day run in theatres. After that, it will presumably end up on VOD and some streaming service.
So what are the critics saying?
The New York Times: “The band members play themselves in this horror comedy from BJ McDonnell. But the gore overtakes the (limited) fun.”
Washington Post: “Dave Grohl battles demons, literally, in the horror-comedy Studio 666.” And “It’s a delightful lark or a mystifying waste of time: Your pleasure will probably depend entirely on how you feel about Grohl.” (A brutal one-and-a-half stars out of five.)
JoBlo: “Studio 666 is a bit too long, but it provides a fun viewing experience anyway, and you get the sense that Foo Fighters had a blast making it. Their fans will probably have a blast watching it as well, if they’re into horror and gore.”
Bloody Disgusting: “Their personalities, quirks, and in-jokes lend energy to the first half, offering a fun hang-out movie with the Foo Fighters. Refreshingly, it’s all about the band members rather than a greatest hits music video; save for a few familiar guitar riffs as part of a joke.” (3 out of 5)
Collider: “Studio 666 knows exactly what it is and revels in the insanity. But to be clear, Studio 666 is primarily for an audience that wants to see Foo Fighters acting like a bunch of idiots and enjoy watching Grohl going batshit insane.”
The Guardian: “What possessed Dave Grohl to make this frightful gonzo grossout?” (1 out of 5)
IGN Movies: Though the story is forgettable, Studio 666 is first and foremost a showcase for the Foo Fighters to kill and be killed in grand fashion and, in that regard, it’s a damn(ed) good time. (6 out of 10)
Associated Press: “Fun.” (2 out of 4)
Rotten Tomatoes: A rating of 73 (so far).
Reviews of the Foo Fighters' horror movie, Studio 666, are in. And the critics say... - Alan Cross - A Journal of Musical Things
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